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Standard Financial and Accounting Procedures

All financial / SCMR  paperwork will be mailed to Sumter County Mounted Reserve, Inc.  home address and given to the Treasurer at the next  meeting (to include but not limited to: General, Training or Board meeting)
The Treasurer will keep records on file with the Secretary in case Treasurer is not available when funds need to be accessed.   Records will include but not be limited to how to access bank account on line, last 4 digits of debits cards and who they are assigned to, list of deadlines of fees / bills which need to be paid, and an annual budget.
The Treasurer will put on file at the General Meeting a monthly financial statement of all monies in or out and current balances of monies available, as well as a list of upcoming bills to be paid within the next 6 weeks.
Budget shall be approved by the general membership annually and reviewed by the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis.  Board of Directors shall have the right to modify the budgeted bill payments by up to 10% at quarterly meetings.  Bills that require payment that go over the 10% mark can be approved if due date is prior to general meeting – but notification must be made at next general meeting for continued approval by general membership.  If due date is after next general meeting, bill should wait until approval is made by general meeting.
In emergency situations Board can approve  a one time payment of up to $100. 
All purchases must have a requisition request signed by 2 board members prior to the purchase.   All purchases above $25 must be paid for by check or debit card.  All purchases must have a receipt which is turned in to the Treasurer or Secretary (to give to treasurer) within 3 business days.
When money is received all money should be counted by 2 members and recorded.  Money shall be placed in an envelope and signature placed across the seal of the envelope.  If Treasurer is not available to receive the funds, fund should be given to most senior Board Member available or person in charge of the event.
Any person / company who donates to the Sumter County Mounted Reserve, Inc. shall receive a receipt for the amount of dollar donation or suspected value of items donated.  If the same person / company does multiple donations then they are to receive a statement prior to Jan 31 of the next year for the total amount donated within the previous year.
Every member shall receive a statement prior to Jan 31 of the previous year’s donations from the Treasurer.
Training Hours shall be recorded by the Secretary who will provide a statement to every member  prior to Jan 31.
Accounting Statements will be sent by email. (Financial and Training)
Annual Budget shall be  posted on the Website under Members Only.
Financial and Accounting Procedures can be modified by a vote of the general assembly.  Notice of impending modification must be given at least 28 days prior to the vote.

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